40 topics to know for System Design interviews at Google and Amazon 10 Distributed Systems Concepts - Gossip Protocol - Leader Election - Co...
40 topics to know for System Design interviews at Google and Amazon
10 Distributed Systems Concepts
- Gossip Protocol
- Leader Election
- Consistent Hashing
- Data Sharding
- Data Replication
- Transactions
- Consistency Models
- Atomic commitment protocol
- CAP Theorem
- PACELC Theorem
10 Advanced Algorithms
- Bloom Filter
- QuadTree
- Leaky Bucket
- Token Bucket
- Trie
- Merkle Tree
- HyperLogLog
- Rsync
- GeoHash
- Raft/Paxos
10 Popular SD Interview Questions
- Design TinyUrl
- Design Youtube
- Design Ticketmaster
- Design Dropbox
- Design Messenger
- Design Newsfeed
- Design Instagram
- Design Twitter
- Design Uber
- Design Google Maps
10 Off-The-Shelf Systems
- Kafka
- Redis
- Cassandra
- InfluxDB
- Zookeeper
- Envoy
- Temporal
- S3
- MongoDB
- Neo4j
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